Pre-OP thoughts.
my arm band |
I let the nurse continue her questions about why I'm here and my medical history all the while as a short young phlebotomy technician comes into the room to take my blood. The only thing I like about getting my blood drawn is when its a phlebotomy tech.They are usually quick, as painless as possible and don't leave me with any bruising. This young woman lived up to my expectations and was in my vein and out quickly. The last piece of the check in was a chest X-ray performed in the radiology department. A young, still in school radiology technician, came to escort me and directed me through the hospitals maze of hallways to the X-ray room. Once there, I was asked to stand in front of the machine for 3 pictures. I'll spare you the rest of the boring details of this visit. On the way out however, the funny thing the technician said to me as he was then escorting me back to the front door was, "you'll have your results in about 2-3 days." I silently chuckled at what he said. I wasn't there to get results of anything. I know first hand that he had no clue why I was there and if a doctor wanted them stat, X-rays are instantly placed on computer screens now for instant viewing. They already had the results, which are nothing. My doctor just wanted a clear view of what's underneath my skin before placing my new device.
I guess this post is just random thoughts of experience before the big day. I'm scared. Things at home are tense and I'm not one to talk about how I'm really feeling. I'm better at expecting my husband to already know how I'm feeling then get angry when I'm asked what's wrong. Yes, I know that's not fair to him.
my goody bag and body scrub |
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