Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Cup of morning tea and apple chips

Our beautiful morning here in Florida. This is my backyard.
Good morning fellow readers. It truly is a magical morning too. The temperature dropped below 74F here in sunny Florida and I'm stoked. That means I'm feeling fantastic and Fall has started. To kick off this glorious cooler than normal morning I have decided to share one of my favorite fall recipe treats with you. They are called Homemade Apple chips.

Fall is the perfect time to make apple chips because its when apple season is at its peak. Plus, the three simple ingredients and instructions are just too easy to not throw together and then be on your way.

I can not take credit for this recipe. All credit goes to: The Italian Dish http://theitaliandishblog.com/imported-20090913150324/2012/1/2/homemade-apple-chips.html

Apple Chips

2 cookie sheets
Parchment paper
2 Bowls

1 Apple (I used 5 and made a big batch)
1tablespoon Cinnamon
2 tablespoons Brown sugar

Pre-heat oven to 225 degrees. Mix with whisk in a bowl your cinnamon and brown sugar. Place parchment paper onto cookie sheets. (I have a mandolin with rubber grips and place it over my second bowl, you could also use a cutting board) Slice apple(s) as thinly as your mandolin will allow. Place 4-5 slices into cinnamon and brown sugar bowl and coat the apple slices. Place onto the cookie sheet and repeat until cookie sheet is full. Repeat until both cookie sheets are full. Place both cookie sheets into the oven for 1 hour. At the one hour mark, take cookie sheets out, flip the slices with tongs and place back into the oven for another hour rotating the sheets, (the one sheet that was on the top rack now place on the bottom rack. Etc.) the apple slices will begin to harden.

I hope you enjoyed this tasty recipe. I loved it so much I just had to share. I can't wait for Chunk to wake from her morning nap and try them.

If you haven't noticed by now, Fall is my favorite season. It is the cool relief that comes for those of us living in the tropical climates that seems to bring out a little more happiness in us all. I seem to do more Fall cleaning too than Spring cleaning. Lol.

Like what I post? Then please leave a comment, share my post or join me for a cup of tea sometime.

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