Monday, April 24, 2017

Life with 2 under 3....this one is more about me this time

Tonight on the Current Lifestyle:

Life with 2 under 3......this one is more about me this time

Family hike, little man is under the white hat

I'm back folks! Thank you for being patient with me as I adjust to life with 2 under 3. If your following me on Instagram, you will have noticed that life is pretty jam packed with all sorts of moments and new experiences with little man. As a parent of two now, I can honestly say, I couldn't be any happier. I feel fantastic since my last post so, thanks! I know you totally "mind asked" me just now.

Whats it like now that little man has arrived? Well, I feel like balancing is the key word here. We are learning to balance time and schedules. Since little man has arrived, he has come with his own set of appointments, (doctor visits) and oh yeah, those every 3-4 hour feedings that don't just stop because he is asleep. I literally forgot how much my boobs were going to be out on display for my family until little man showed up. Not that my husband minds, but, well, they're here for feeding and everyone's viewing pleasure I guess. (Everyone meaning Chunky P, Little man, Scott, the cats and myself.) Since little mans arrival, the days start from sometimes 5:30am and don't stop until the kids are in bed at 7:30-8:00pm. I of course am not in bed at that lovely hour, but there's no time for sleeping when the baby sleeps. That's for people with only one kid stuff, or people who send their kids away to other places like school or daycare or a nanny or whatever. I'm not jelly or judging; just saying here, that doesn't exist. It's go all the time and guess what? I LOVE IT!!! I love the whole entire thing. Its like some sick motivator for me. I live off of the thought, you only have 20 minutes to do 50 things and mentally tell myself that someone doesn't think I can do it, and I freaking rock it!

I know, it's sick, but it works for me. Today for example; we went to the library for Chunky P's story time, picked up daddy from a car shop, played outside, I made lunch, cleaned up the house, I washed and folded the laundry, I worked out, both kids napped, I watered the newly planted garden, we played outside some more, Chunky P had school time with me, we took a family trip to the ice cream shop after I made dinner, we read stories and etc. This isn't an everyday schedule but I some how manage this type of thing with 2 kids. If you knew me before I had any children, I was completely lazy and not motivated at all. Its like I needed kids to learn how to ADULT. This is the type of stay at home "momming" (making up my own word) I always wanted.
Soaking up some vitamin D

How do I do it? Well, I think it's a combination of things. First, I think not having post-partum depression this time around makes a difference. Second, I believe my placenta pills which prevent PPD are to thank. Third, this sounds crazy even as busy as we are, but I constantly tell myself to slow down. What I mean by that is, I set aside time for myself to work on myself. Not just physically, but mentally. I meditate, remind myself to really see what is in front of me, to enjoy the moments, to be thankful and go to therapy. Yep, everyone needs some form of therapy or another. For the first time in my life, I can honestly say, this is the happiest I've ever been. (No I'm not on any drugs) Fourth, my kids motivate me to be better. I want to model and be someone they look up too.I'm constantly reading, learning, trying, accomplishing, sometimes failing at new things so that they can have this type of model in their lives. It;s never perfect, but I try and at the end of the day, that's what matters.
Campfire night

Just know,

You are enough,
what you do is enough
and "what someone else thinks about you is none of your business."

Some fantastic reads I've competed and highly recommend for staying mentally fit are:

1) The Power of Know: 30 Days of All-Natural Ways to Heal Mind, Body and Spirit.
By Kathy Ozzard Chism.

2) Vibrational Healing Through the Chakras: With Light, Color, Sound, Crystals, and Aromatherapy.
By Joy Gardner-Gordon

3) How to Heal Toxic Thoughts: Simple Tools for Personal Transformation.
By Sandra Ingerman

number 3 also has an app that can send you transformative reminders on your phone. It's amazing.

And thats all the rambling I'll do this evening. Cheers to your motivated self!


  1. I think I need Instagram so I can see what y'all are up to! I'm so happy reading this. You definitely deserve all the happy!!! Love you lady!

    1. Thank you Cerise. Yes get an account with Instagram and spam me with all of your pictures. I want to see what you're up to as well. I post on there all of the time.
