Tonight on The Current Lifestyle:
Baby wearing in public
Our first ring sling carry. At Oktoberfest fest! |
Each Thursday is pretty predictable; we go to the farmers market, where I leave my chunk wunk in her car seat and place her in the shopping cart while I grab fruits and veggies. However, when we get to Publix, I wear her. Why the difference? Several reasons.
1) At the local farmers market, I'm there for less than 15 minutes. So taking little miss out of her car-seat and placing her into the wrap or sling is just a waste of time.
2) When at Publix, people feel they can magically walk up to your baby and touch her if she's in the cart. With all of the new out breaks of measles etc. I want people to keep a distance.
3) There is nowhere for the food to go in the cart if she is placed in the large basket. I cringe when I see parents place the car seat on the top seat. It's a safety risk.
4) I'm in Publix longer and she's more likely to cooperate with me if I wear her, also if I'm lucky, she gets a nap in.
Sleepy dust on the wrap puts baby to sleep |
I'm asked a lot about baby carrying not just by friends, but by complete strangers. Every Thursday is a new adventure in the store. I've been asked if I was comfortable. I've been asked what type of carriers I use and where they can be purchased. I've been told how amazing I am because I wear my child. I've been told a horror story about a woman who wore her child and was knocked to the ground when someone tried to steal her purse and her child's head hit the pavement, I've been strangely asked for a picture while wearing Caroline, and even more strange, I posed for the picture with the entire strangers family in the store parking lot.
But don't read me wrong, I receive weird, longing and ugly looks too. Looks that state, what the hell is she doing? Looks that state, OMG! Her kid could slip right out of that thing any moment. Looks that state, I wish my kid could sit as comfortably and quiet as yours. Looks that state, um, this is America not some poor African or Asian country where you're collecting wheat or rice.
Just remember, do what works best for you and your family. If you're a car seat type of parent, then embrace that bulky thing and click it into the carts and strollers like a boss!
Keep an open mind and try not to judge. I couldn't wear Caroline for a few days after I had minor heart surgery and the judgements from baby wearing mommas can be felt. You don't always know the story behind the reason so keep your thoughts open, smile on and dance down the grocery isle.
Below are pictures of the baby wearing items we own and love:
The Boba wrap |
Daddy and Chunky P in the ring sling |
The first ring sling. Woven rainbow. |
Nothing sexier than men baby wearing. My Brother in Law and my Hubby both baby wearing in Canada. Oh, don't forget Carlos. |
The Mei Tai |
Like what I post? Then buy me a coffee! Or another wrap. I have my eye on a Tula!!!
A Tula baby carrier |
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