Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Today I've decided to write a book..........Yeah right!

February 24 2015

While driving home from the local book store today, I had this uncanny motivation to write a book. I'm told a lot of the time on a social media site, that people can't wait to see what I'm going to post about my new mother hood journey. I guess when I post about the good, bad, and the poop ugliness, it conjures up old memories of moms with older children or makes new moms feel as if they're never alone. Either way, I hope whatever I happen to post on here makes people laugh if nothing else.

So, let me back up and tell you about my trip to the book store today. Be warned, I will write about all motherhood journeys that yours truly has only experienced. I wanted to get out of the house today. I didn't want to go spend a bunch of money, so my favorite place to go other than the library is Barnes and Noble. Now some of you maybe asking how can you not spend a bunch of money in that place? Well, I use B&N as my ultimate window shop time killer experience. You see, I go, kill time, touch books, read books, make mental, sometimes actual notes on the books I want to read or own in my own personal library. (Then I go home and purchase the item on Amazon because I can always find it for less) While upon doing this, I usually baby wear mine and my husbands new addition in a wrap or ring sling. Its simple, cozy for the two of us. We snuggle close and I can usually keep the snowbirds and their germs away because they don't get too close when the baby is strapped to you.

Its picture perfect. I have our five month old strapped to me in our beautiful rainbow ring sling, I'm mentally checking books into my memory and it happens. My little chunk gets squirmy. Now, you would think from the one other time I have experienced this, in a Target, that I would have remembered, but hey, they say pregnancy brain victims never fully recover. I leave B&N and decide to walk over to another store, where I'll spare you the boring details, I left with nothing and returned to my car. I place my purse in the passenger seat, open the back door and promptly remove my now sleeping bundle of chunky goodness when two of my senses go off immediately. SIGHT and SMELL. Then the little neurons in my brain start to fire, oh yes, that's why she was squirming. A shifty diaper. Perfect! As I place my smelly, sleepy chunk of love into her car seat, I notice the nice brown smear-age of fresh poop coming out of the side of her cloth diaper. I set her in her seat, strap her in and look down. There on my tank, is the rest of the digestive tracks product. I decided that since we were going straight home, there was no use in waking her to change in the car. So we, drove home together smelling my car up with the remains of, breast milk, rice cereal and our newest solid, carrots.

As you can imagine, I'm grinning ear to ear over this because I should have known better. I've always been the one to learn things the hard way. Sometimes even more than once. So for all of you Mommy's out there who have or haven't experienced the Baby Wearing shifty diaper. This post is for you.

Today's post is brought to you by the same company that brings you; skid mark, poop stain, boot scoot, up the side, blow out and all of your other poop wearing favorites.

Keep laughing my friends. It'll keep you young!

If you like my posts...... join me for coffee sometime!

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