Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Anger Management.....Please, I'm supermom and can do it all apparently.

February 25, 2015

Tonight's glorious topic of covo is on anger management with your spouse. I like to chuckle at people who don't have children because some, not all, think, "how could a sweet bundle of chunky goodness bring out the worst in you or your spouse?" I'll also be the first to admit that I used to be one of these naive people. It's really quite simple. Let me explain.....

Once upon a time in January of 2014 a beautiful couple found out that they would be expecting a sweet baby in September. Like all couples do, they read books on pregnancy, they took labor and delivery classes, discussed and agreed upon parenting styles. The wife checked out a hilarious book called, "Baby-proofing Your Marriage." Each night while reading sections of the book, the wife would discuss with her husband different parenting styles and would laugh at some of the (what seemed at the time) odd behaviors the wives put their husbands through. "I'll never act like a raging lunatic just because my husband doesn't know that you can't put butt paste on a baby that wears cloth diapers" exclaimed the wife.

Pause a moment and enjoy that smile on your face because you already know as the reader where this is headed.  

September 23, is home.
1) NO ONE can sleep if the baby is sleeping. We sleep in shifts because what if she stops breathing?  Hello?!?!?! SIDS kills
    (My MIL included, came to visit from Canada, and stayed awake an entire 24 hours)
2) Who the hell put butt paste on the baby? She wears cloth diapers and the butt paste ruins the diapers. Who doesn't know this?
3) When in bed, get up, go downstairs and check the stove. Is the oven off? Whats the plan if the house catches on fire? Omg, do I just grab her and toss her to someone or do I jump out of the window with her strapped to me? Do I have time to strap her too me? What husband?
4) Do not tell my child she is chunky! I don't want my 4 day old to have self esteem issues like the rest of the world.

The list goes on. Yes, I may have suffered from undiagnosed post partum anxiety, but no one asks about that in doctor office surveys. They're more worried about depression. All of those things listed was who I became. I once was a laid back, carefree person. Where I once supported letting my kid cry, (this was before having the thing) I became a total freak and any peep she made I had to fix. This turned me into someone who mentally couldn't handle the smallest amount of stress and I would bite anyone's head off faster than T-Rex did in Jurassic Park. Thankfully I have a spouse who's willing to look past certain issues, talk it out or SLOWLY help bring to light my, well I'll just say it, BITCHINESS.

Why am I telling you all of this you might ask? Well, it still happens occasionally and to be honest I know I'm not the only one. Today I lost, I mean lost my shit on my husband for asking me to put the cat litter box back into the office. WHY?
When I went in to go grab the box, it was like our fluffy child had a litter bomb party and threw litter everywhere. It was on the walls. How the hell does litter stick to the wall? I was so angry, I literally couldn't see straight. For the first time I called my unsuspecting husband at work and reamed him for it. Doesn't he know I don't have time for other messes? Does he honestly think I have time to now sanitize this bathroom with all of my other responsibilities?

In all honesty, I didn't calm down until I cleaned the bathroom, and wrote a lesson plan for my smallest Taekwondo students this afternoon. I realized I was a complete failure and being completely unfair when I wanted my sit talk with my students to be ways of handling anger.

To wrap this very long post up, in the end, I texted (lame I know) an apology to my husband for being a douche. I also apologized in person when I came home from teaching that amazing class.

To end, here are some ideas my students use to handle their anger: (they are 3-6 year olds)
1) go get mom
2) count to 3
3) don't say anything at all.

Live, Laugh, Love and forgive my friends.

Here are some quotes to live by:

1) He who flings mud, loses a lot of ground.
       - Anonymous

 2) If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.
       - Chinese Proverb

Like my post.....come join me for coffee sometime. I also like beer, and wine, and even better, free beer and wine.

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