Thursday, January 26, 2017

Little boy update and 5 am TP call...what?

Tonight on The Current Lifestyle

Little boy update and a 5 am TP call....what?

Sick kid and stressed out mommy
Little boy:
sick toddler, not eating
Last Tuesday we had another OB appointment to check on little boys heart rate. This time, dear husband accompanied me as well as Chunky P. Now, I wasn't too thrilled about Chunky P coming because I knew the appointment was going to be long, but she was ill and had skipped school and we had no one to watch her. As usual I was hooked up to the NST which measures the contractions and heart rate of the baby. Husband, Chunky P and I must have sat in that room for an hour and had the nurses in several times trying to adjust the monitors and the doctor too. They just couldn't get a reading. If his rate wasn't all over the place, it wasn't being picked up at all. After an hour, the doctor came in and said she wanted me to have what's called a BPP or Biophysical Profile. It's an ultrasound with an evaluation of fetal development. In order for the doctor to know that the baby is still "living" or "thriving" the tech looks for specifics such as; fetal breathing, movement, heart rate, fetal tone and amniotic fluid. Your baby is then scored out of 8 points. You want as many points as you can get. The tech said when asked, that my fluid was in the normal range but on the lower side of normal. She wasn't too worried about that. (Not unusual for me since I was induced with Chunky P because she essentially had no fluid left to live in) As for his heart rate, it was still on the low side 115 spiked to 122 at one point but nothing more. We all were able to witness him moving and his breathing, which was fascinating to watch. After she printed 2 3D pictures for us to keep, she escorted us back to the waiting room before we would be called to see the doctor again. It was at this point I was convinced thanks to Dr. Google, that either my son had died or they were going to take him via C-section. When we spoke to the doctor again, she told us that he scored 8/8. A rare score. A great score. She said we are just going to continue to see you weekly and will always monitor his heart rate but they see no reason to intervene at this time. It was quite a relief to hear, though I'm not sure she realized that these past 3 weeks have been the most stressful and the next 5-1/2 (if I make it that long) weeks will be the longest weeks of my life. We aren't sure what to expect next. Upon asking about labor my doctor said if my water breaks or his movements change to go to L & D immediately. However, should I go into labor at home like a normal person, (I'm using the term normal) then I shouldn't wait until contractions are 4 minutes apart because they want to monitor his rate, so come in sooner. I asked her when I'm at the hospital when will she look at me and say we have to take him, we can't wait. She said, they'll let him stay in as long as his rate doesn't dip into the 105's or 90's. She said I can continue with my "as natural as I want plan" so long as he stays above 108. She even encourages it.
This is our life right now. It's a constant worry. Will we make it to 40 weeks? Will I get the natural birth I have always tried so hard to get? Will our son come out healthy and strong?

Links and info on BPP

5 am TP call.....What?

On a brighter note, Chunky P has been pulling out all the stops from independence to defiance to straight up not listening to obsessing over the weirdest things. My days blur together now, so all I know is that this happened between 2 or 3 nights ago. After Chunky P went to bed, she began a new game of "how many times can I get mommy or daddy into my room so I don't have to go to sleep."
It's not a new game, but for her it is. So, that evening, I must have been in there at least 3 different times for random things such as: "I have to pee pee on the potty, where's my water bottle, my slippers aren't on. etc." So after dealing with these items and finally going to bed, around 5 am husband and I hear her crying at her door. Husband goes to see what the matter is while I make my 4th nightly trip to pee. He comes back laughing, half angry because she asked him for toilet paper. Why does a 2 year old need toilet paper? To wipe her nose of course. SERIOUSLY! she was crying, thus causing more mucus to pour out of her nose and woke us up for TP to wipe it. So what do I do now when I put her to bed? I giver her toilet paper and she puts it next to her water bottle in her bed which sits next to her potty chair which sits next to her wipes and extra pull ups!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Couldn't make up which one I liked more
BOOOOOOM.........mike drop.

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