Monday, January 16, 2017

The best day ever..............................NOPE! Guess we'll try again tomorrow

Tonight on The Current Lifestyle:

The best day ever.....NOPE! Guess we'll try again tomorrow.

I have purposefully waited to post this story. I wanted to calm my hormonal self down about this day before posting so as to make it sound less dramatic; but alas, I am who I am and if you find it dramatic, well then grab some more popcorn!

Last Tuesday, what are ears for?:
The morning started off fairly well. Chunky P got up happy and daddy was getting her ready for school so that I could get myself ready. We all met downstairs for breakfast like we do every morning. Lately, it's been a struggle to get Chunky P to finish her oatmeal, which is out of character for her because there have been times she has requested two oatmeal bowls. Cue bribing a toddler to finish her breakfast so that we can get to daycare/school on time. She fought me the rest of the morning. After a screaming fit from Chunky P as shes trying desperately to be independent and not use her ears, and slamming her bowl of unfinished oatmeal into the sink I proceeded to finish getting her ready by asking her to brush her teeth. Well, I guess the world falls apart when I ask that question. So, I gently forced/helped her to brush her teeth. It was a crappy job but I won't send my kid off without brushing her teeth. I then knew since I needed the upper hand, I would give her two options for shoe choices to wear and letting her choose is usually a way to get her motivated and out the door. Surprisingly, this tactic still worked and out the door into the car we went. We get half way down our street and I hear, "on-i-mo momma, onimo!" This is a request to play the song, Geronimo by Sheppard. Sure, I play Geronimo and she happily dances and sings in the backseat of the car after I made her repeat the request with a "please" at the end of her sentence.

Fast forward:
I'm now at the OB office getting an ultrasound done for my 32nd week appointment. "Good news!" The tech says, "he's head down." Awesome, that was a small concern of mine since he was breech a few weeks ago. She then keeps measuring him and continues chatting with me the rest of the time. We both tried to get him to move his hand or roll at one point when she said, "he just must be sleeping." She took two heart rate checks on him and then told me once she was finished that I could then wait in the waiting room until called back to see the doctor. Once I was in the check up room things began to change. The doctor came in and told me that his heart rate was low and they want to monitor me for awhile on the machine to get a better idea of his rhythm and rate. I asked if this had anything to do with my heart medication and she said, "it might." I then told her that my previous pregnancy I was on the same dose and medication and the rate was never affected. She wasn't too sure what could be causing the issue but wanted to check anyway. So, off I went to sit in the chair that has the contraction strap and the heart rate strap hooked to a machine. I reclined and watched the monitor until I couldn't bare to look anymore. The doctor had stated that she wanted his rate above 110 bpm. During the ultrasound he was 108. While on this machine, I watched his rate go from 55 to 115 then from 69 to 140. He was all over the place. I started to panic only when the nurse came in 15 minutes later, asked what I ate, while reading the heart rate paper, adjusted the straps, diverted my question, handed me a glass of water and said, "I want you to stay another 15 minutes." By this point, I was on the phone with my husband and informing him what was happening. After the 15 minutes were up, the doctor came in, took the paper and left. She came back 3 minutes later and said, he's at 120 now. We want to keep him in as long as possible and we want to see you back again next week. I left feeling completely stressed. This appointment, which should have not only been a great one, turned out not to be and had lasted over 2 hours.

Throw in an ice storm:
We are the flag
As if the previous events weren't stressful enough, my day had been pushed back by hours. Those hours where I knew I didn't have much time left due to an impending ice storm that was supposed to hit around 4pm. I continued on with my day, grocery shopping and eating a healthy comfort portion of McDonalds, (Yes I know horrible) As I'm leaving the grocery store, I walk out to the car to find the storm is already starting and it's literally raining ice. I pack up the car as quickly as I can without slipping and start the drive home. Now, where we live, it's on a mountain with a slight elevation. My ears pop every time I drive up or sown our street to give you an example. The elevation can cause some serious snow drifts and wind to go from 0 to 40 mph. (0 to 50-60KPH) I was excited to be getting home when I turned onto the last street before ours which takes me near a cell town station on the top of a hill. I could see ahead that the wind was whipping snow across the road but I had encountered this before and had experienced that if I got just over the hill I'd be clear on the other side. Oh how wrong I was. Out of nowhere, the snow drift became 2-3 feet deep and my snow tires and allwheel/4wheel drive stopped. No worry, I tried backing up, my tires spun wildly and my car shook. I was like, JUST F*ING PERFECT! Some how, I managed to get our Subaru out of that situation by reversing all the way down the hill. (Don't ask me how. But on a sunny day after this day, I drove by that spot after the snow had been plowed and I had been on the edge of a big ditch and would have rolled.) When I made it home and was able to check the radar, I was shocked to see what I was driving through.

Fast Forward:
Because this day could not end, it wouldn't have been complete without a near miss head on collision after I picked up chunky P from daycare. Seriously, I was driving under 25 mph on the roads with everyone else and as I began to turn slightly with the road, I know I hit black ice when my back end started to go a different direction. Thankfully I was able to correct the slide and avoid hitting a car in the other lane. I cried when I parked the car in the garage and told my husband that was the scariest drive of my life and would be the first time I wished to be back in FL.

After all of the events of that day I've found that it has taught me some valuable lessons. Its also given me much needed winter driving experience and well, I guess I'm happy that my family just was all together at home and well.

Thanks for reading, I needed to get this day out of my mind. Hopefully tomorrow, a week from this day, little boys heart rate is great and I can report and post a positive story. :-)

Rock on for winter has come and I am conquering.....

Stark Life!