Friday, February 17, 2017

Final weeks and sickness

Today on The Current Lifestyle:

Week 6 of NST testing
Final Weeks and sickness:

Today marks week 37 and 4 days into my 2nd pregnancy. (According to my baby center app which tracks my progress.) Please don't assume I'm nuts-o and calculated that myself. lol. I am so glad to say that we are on the home stretch and almost through this pregnancy. I'm excited to meet my son despite what family and friends believe. This has been the most difficult pregnancy and I guess when you look miserable everyday or give truthful answers to how you're feeling people assume you aren't excited about a new addition to your family and then believe that all you do is complain. This is where I will state, then walk in m shoes for a day.

I'm not going to apologize for the stressful environment I face every Tuesday when I go to the OBGYN. They have been monitoring little boys heart rate for weeks now. Then, to top off with a beautiful cherry, (cuz we all love cherries!) the ultrasound tech and the doctors last week discovered that I have very low amniotic fluid, also known as Oligohydramnios. This is now more concerning than his heart rate I was told. There are two ways amniotic fluid is measured. One way is to measure the fluid in the biggest pocket in the sack and the other way is by measuring the sum of the deepest vertical pocket of fluid. The first way is how I was measured. The normal range is 2-8cms. Little boy is at 3.24cm. This level is lower than when I was at 40 weeks and induced with Chunky P. According to an article I've read, the way I was measured is the best way to determine more accurate fluid levels. I was told by the doctor that next Tuesday I will repeat the same tests I have been given since week 32 and if the level is at 2 or below, then they will discuss what to do next. They really want me to make it to 39 weeks as that is considered full term. To add insult to injury, factors affecting fluid levels can be sickness. Yes, I'm currently battling; congestion, runny nose, inability to breathe, sore sinuses, cough, night sweats, ear pain with ringing and a constant headache. As it turns out, Chunky-P and dear husband are just as sick. Though, they both have been prescribed antibiotics and either a nebulizer or puffer treatments; I was told by my primary care doctor that she didn't want to jump to conclusions of a DX and prescribe medications because I'm pregnant and my mucus isn't green like the other two germies in my family. I can safely continue flushing my sinuses with the Neil Pot or saline sprays and drink as much water as possible. (if only someone could feel my eye roll)

So back to how friends and family assume I'm not excited to meet my son. This journey has been rough, since day one; since I was admitted to the hospital in July with Hyperemesis Gravidarum. I am so excited to meet my son, to see his face, to have him be his own person and to allow me to heal and be my own person. I'm excited to see him grow and become a member of this family. I've given him everything I have in his short 9 month life. People who assume I'm not excited to see or meet him have never even asked me, though I've heard about it from phone conversations with my husband. I'm not sorry that when I tell the truth to the asked question of "how are you feeling" people aren't happy with my answer because it's not what they wanted to hear. As mommies on the BabyCenter app in chat rooms say, "stop getting butt hurt over my response to you." Life isn't a bunch of pretty roses and pregnancy is assumed way too often by society to be a happy time.

some of my favorite new quotes.....
To my friends who call to check on me, trust me when I say, I am not ignoring your calls. I know when you do and I appreciate the time and effort you took to dial my number. As of right now, I can barely speak due to my sickness. I promise to call you back as soon as I'm feeling able.

Here is a link to amniotic fluid levels:

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