Friday, December 16, 2016

When you wake up in Narnia

Tonight on The Current Lifestyle:

When you wake up in Narnia; what happened last night and where is the wardrobe?
Can't we just eat a sandwich like a normal person?

When you wake up in Narnia; what happened last night and where is the wardrobe?
So yeah, when I woke up this morning, life outside my window pretty much looked like this. We had such wind gusts that the trees looked like they at one point were running but froze into place with snow drifting off of their sides. Everything was white and glittered, all sound was muffled quiet and it was cold. -21/-6 (Celsius then Fahrenheit.) Through out the day, I experienced some new driving techniques, as one from the South, this was an adventure all its own. Some personal tips are listed below.
1) Give oneself plenty of time to shovel or snow blow the driveway before any appointment.
2) Give oneself extra time to get from point A to point B.
3) Full blasting the heat onto the window is the only way to keep it from fogging up into an icy mess.
4) yes, windshield wiper fluid can freeze and clog the spray nozzles. 
5) When exiting the vehicle, make sure not to rub leg against the car. Or this will result in cold, wet, muddy looking spots on the pant leg.
6) Driving below 40 MPH is considered normal at this time of year, hell, drive even slower if you feel like it.
7) Snow tires, are a necessity and be glad you have them.
8) Nose hair freezes at these temperatures, so breathe through your mouth.
9) Those seat heaters I thought were pointless in FL months ago, well my ass sure likes them now.
10)White out. Is not a racial term for a white only dance party. It is a scary as shit I hope I'm in my lane still omg, please don't anyone hit me in a head on crash type of weather driving scenario. 
Upon experiencing these events, I truly began to understand the overrated happiness of palm trees and December swimsuits in FL. 

This brings me to my next topic:
Can't we just eat a sandwich like a normal person?
I love my toddler. I do, she makes me laugh and remember that sometimes its about the little things in life and that sometimes you can do things differently or think differently. But in all reality, those thoughts are not applied to my life when it comes to simply eating a darn peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I'm not sure who else experiences this, maybe its just that my chunk o love is special, but I'm going to start making her sandwiches without bread. Literally, just slop blobs of jelly and peanut butter into a pile and say "lunch is served." Why you might ask. Because my kid never eats the bread! Seriously, she picks and scrapes the unfolded bread pieces with her fingers, no less, (drives me insane) and eats the insides and tosses the bread to the side of her tray. Then has the audacity to ask for more. It also happens with other types of sandwiches, grilled cheese, turkey, pulled BBQ chicken; you name it. I've even tried different types of bread. It's not that she doesn't like bread, she is overly excited about toast in the morning, AND eats that normally and with jelly on the toast. Like WTH? What in the heck is the difference??? 
But, as I watch her enjoy her lovely sugar filled, more likely corn syrup, lunch, I can't help but smile as shes doing this because she is happy. She is full of unconditional love and I'm happy that I get to spend these precious if not messy moments with her. 

lick your elbow
So, good night friends. This is what I'll leave you with. The lick your elbow challenge. It's truly impossible to do. Yeah, I saw you tried it.


  1. Rynnleigh does that with her pb&j's too. Unless it's her brothers and then she takes a real bite, just to annoy them. Haha

  2. I'm glad to know that we aren't the only family that deals with this odd behavior! LOL. Thank you for your comment
