Wednesday, December 7, 2016

I'm back. The pity party is now over, well sort of

Tonight on The Current Lifestyle,

1) Where did I go for over a year
2) New life 

New home in New York
 1) Where did I go for a year

After my last post sometime in November of 2015, I dropped off of this blog without warning. I simply couldn't take the criticism from my family. Honestly, people were mad at me days after my surgery for a number of things and I decided that I just was going to let them win and stop posting; which was healing for me, but alas I "forgot" everything is about everyone else.

I can see you as the reader saying, "okay, so whats going to stop you from disappearing a second time? Well, honestly, my "don't care" attitude. I'm going to start putting it to use just in time for the holidays to roll around, and YOU! My reader. I used to make people laugh with this blog and knowing that used to make me happy. That leads me to our next topic of discussion...

2) New Life

Since the last post in November 2015, We have moved from our tropical climate home to this place in central New York close to the wall. (Game of Thrones references may or may not be used here)

The Wall
I guess that makes my home Castle Black, except there is heat and things grow green in the summer and well, I have some close female neighbors.Yes, I know there is no actual wall separating NY from Canada, but I consider the boarder crossing a wall of sorts and all Canadians wild-lings! haha! J/K Love you my Canadian friends.

We moved here on my birthday. To grant me the greatest welcome, it even snowed on my birthday. Something I didn't even know could happen in April. So, Chunky P, Scott and I lived in a tiny 2 bedroom apartment for the first 4 months until we found the place we could call our very own. We now live on a beautiful piece of land on the side of a mountain that we moved into in Aug. I must say, it took some getting used to, not just the apartment life, or Northern life, but even the new house was bigger and different. For example, some questions our realtor literally laughed at me for asking.....(Jen was fabulous, kind and understanding of my lack of knowledge in this area)
         1) Where are the air conditioning vents?
         2) What is a dehumidifier?
         3) What are those floor vents for?
         4) Why do we have to keep taking our shoes off in these tiny rooms in each house we look at?
         5) Wait, explain again how I'm not drinking shit water from my well if sits below my septic?
         6) What is a walk out basement?
         7) What the hell is a sump pump?
         8) Isn't a furnace one of those coiled things next to the wall you see on TV that makes a hiss?

Ahh, the luxurious life I've lived as a Southerner and a Westerner. These questions might seem like no brainers to Northerners but, hello, I was born in the desert and grew up mostly in Florida, where there are no basements, floor vents or mud rooms.

To add to this list, we are also expecting an addition to the family in March 2017. We will be expecting a little boy this time around and I kid you not Chunky P could give a care less at the moment. I guess at 2 years and 3 months, things aren't really a reality for you until it comes home and never leaves.

I'll leave you with all of those thoughts to ponder as I close this entry for the evening. As I crawl through this motherhood journey, you'll start to see that I've been battling a toddler, difficult pregnancy, new winter experiences and depression to cap it off. I say battling, because I can't quite say I'm surviving it yet. Well maybe, I'm not dead yet. To be continued.....

Check out the links above and follow me on Instagram!

Here are some pics of our new life:
Pregnancy announcement

Chunky P at lunch

Decorating our tree 

       Please leave a comment! I'd love to hear from you!

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