Happy baby |
Helmet or not to helmet..... that's the question
Shots....... yes please!
Helmet or not to helmet..... that's the question
Friday I took the chunk-o-lot to her 6 month check up at the pediatricians office. I usually like going because I get to find out how much she weighs, which in all honesty is ridiculous since we have a scale at home. LAZY!!! Anyway, that's really the only reason. I dislike toting around my now 15 pounds of love, not to mention the car seat carrier, to the doctors office, only to have them ask me to strip my child of all clothes. Don't they know I fight with her to wear just a onesie every single morning? Haven't they read my past blogs; that she pretty much pees and poo's on me with clothes, why would I chance it without?!?! Well, we are there, I undress her, they measure and weigh her. She's now a whopping 15 pounds and 26 inches long. The doctor then comes into the room and meets us for the first time. (our previous doctor left to have her 3rd child.) She's a nice young gal and asks how my lovely little talker is eating. I tell her our feeding schedule and she seems satisfied. The doctor was also impressed that our little has slept in her crib since 6 weeks old and has slept through the night since she was 4-1\2 months old. (Stop sending me hate thoughts! It is possible even without CIO) :-) She then performs a physical check of our little chunk talker. The doctor seems very satisfied with her assessment then turns to me and asks how much tummy time we do. I tell her probably not as much as we should. I explain that she's either in a carrier on me, in a jumping contraption, sitting up or on her back. I don't believe she's on her back too much. I put her down to sleep on her back, but when I check on her, she's either rolled all the way over to her tummy or on her side. I have seen her roll from tummy to back and back to tummy. I have also seen her push up, so I know she's capable. The doctor then told me that our chunk has a flat spot on the lower right side of her head. She said that it won't effect her developmentally, but it is cosmetic. She said we need more tummy time and when we come back at her 9 month check up if I wanted she could send me to someone would pretty much put her in a helmet. She then said, its just cosmetic though, and her hair will hide it too. So I asked her, does it bother you? She replied, its flat. I went home that day wondering if I was being a good parent in telling myself, I see it, but it doesn't really bother me. I told my husband later that night what the doctor said, and he agreed with me. Yes, its a little flat, but not really noticeable. Is your head really supposed to be perfectly round in the first place? I think since we here in the states have so many babies born via C-section, (thus no squeezed oblong head shape from the vaginal canal,) we've forgotten what vaginal birth babies heads look like. My husband and I have decided, yes, we will give her more tummy time, it can't hurt, but we are going to pass on the helmet. Judge what you will, but you really can't tell.
see my round head |
That leaves us with the last topic tonight, which no does not include tequila. Last but not least the doctor ordered chunks 6 month vaccines. (if you're a non-vaccer, then please don't leave a rude comment if you continue reading.) Poor kid was so happy until this point. As I can imagine, it hurts. I look at it as, my love for you sometimes hurts and I'm saving your life from all of these diseases and germs. She first received an oral vaccine which she swallows, then followed by that were 3 injections to her chubby legs. I distracted her as best I could, but crying will and did happen. If I did anything right, I had a bottle ready and waiting for her when she was all finished. The bottle settled her down and seemed to forget almost instantly what had just occurred. She was all smiles as we walked out the door. For the rest of the day, like her 2 month and 4 month shots, she slept. Pattern tells me and I've now had it happen three times. That after every vaccination she receives, she sleeps the rest of the day and the following day her schedule is slightly off. Two days later, she bounces right back to normal. I just wish there wasn't so many vaccines if I had a complaint. Every 2 months from the day new babies enter the world, they're poked until after their first birthday. (With month 8 and 10 being the exception.)
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vaccine schedule |