We are almost at "go" time
Ah yes, the famous last words I'll type before succumbing to painful contractions that I can't remember from my first labor experience. This week, has literally been the best week in a LONG time. I had some epiphanies if you will;
Hubby at the doc too |
2) I can spend time teaching my child and it doesn't have to be ALL day
3) When I'm finished teaching and playing with my child, I don't have to feel guilty that it wasn't enough, because she needs independent play and I have my own life and house work to do. 4) I don't have to do it ALL
This week, I have actually accomplished more than I have in a long time. I was able to teach Chunky P about the letter P. Yes, she could already recognize it and the sound, but I as a teacher, wanted to give her more and incorporate other skills such as; math, money, gross and fine motor skills, and writing to name a few. Each morning, (I have her M,W,Th she's in day care the other days) while my chunk o love watched her favorite shows, I would print ideas from pinterest or think of some fun activity to do with her that involved the letter P. Why the letter P? Well, Monday was Presidents' day for those of us in the states. I wish, we had monthly family days like in Canada, but that whine, is for another time. So, I thought, okay, Presidents' day starts with P, President Lincoln is on the penny, penny is counting which equals math....etc you get the idea.
The more I thought about it, the more I could always find a way to come back to my original goal of teaching Capital and lower case P's and the sound to Chunk. We even had a letter hunt which involves placing all items we can find that start with the letter P into a bag. She then pulls out each item, names it and I write the item on our easel board for her to see the word. There are plenty of teachable moments you can have with your child. Don't make it complicated. Simple is
best. I have only just started to post pictures on my Instagram what we do and people are amazed and can't believe I have the time. Teaching a toddler or child doesn't have to be lengthy and boring and stressful. I literally spent a hour or a littler more with her one on one. That's it. The rest of the day, we did our normal routine. I was still able to feel accomplished because I realized finally, that I didn't have to do it all and/or do it all in one day. I now know, that my husband doesn't think I'm a slob and lazy wife because I can't get everything on my list finished. I put this thinking upon myself and he is always willing to help. He understands that I have little energy left and lots pain from being 38 weeks pregnant. Hello, we have less than 2 weeks now till little boy arrives. Excitement is in the air for everyone. I guess this post is more of a realization point than anything else, however, if it helps other moms too I'd be just as happy.
Wish us luck in the upcoming weeks. The last doctor visit was the best it had ever been. Fluid levels returned to what is normal for us and his heart rate remained unchanged. The doctor said I'm leaving you alone. So, repeating tests all next week and that my friends, I'll take. That's the most positive news I've had in a while. Now, If only I could get rid of this sinus infection, I'd be unstoppable!!!
Leave me a comment, I'd love to hear from you!!!