Today on The Current Lifestyle: Grass stew, a healing update and Halloween
Grass Stew: What the heck is grass stew? Well my friends, grass stew is just as you might think, a bunch of grass combined into a delicious "pretend" stew. Yesterday, I really needed to get myself outside, and since I haven't been cleared to drive until today, I brought my chunk of love outside into the yard and we dug around in my flower planters and the grass. One of her favorite games to play with me is to hand me items until my hands are full. Since we have an abundance of grass, we must have spent 45 minutes playing and making grass stew. She would grab handfuls place it into my hands until they were full. Afterwards, we would give our stew a little magical kick with a spell. "as strong as mountains as soft as hair, Chunks positive grass stew will be shared." I would then toss the grass back to her lap where she would happily kick it and scream. Then we'd repeat the entire process all over again. It was nice to be able to get some play time outside. Here in the tropics of South Florida, sometimes its just too hot, however yesterday was a perfect day. We ended our outside play with digging dirt in my planter. I realized this was a bad idea when I wasn't fast enough to keep a fist full of dirt from going into chunks mouth. Oh well, everyone has to "eat dirt" at some point in their life. At least Chunk chose too. Lol.
Healing update: since my last post, things had been rocky. I ended up back in the hospital for troubled breathing. After x-rays, multiple blood work, my device checked, and a very interesting CT scan, I was diagnosed with inflammation of my heart wall and told I was feeling my new leads on my heart. I stayed another night in the hospital for observation. The on call doctor was happy that I called and came in. I was worried that I was maybe blowing this troubled breathing out of proportion, but he assured me, that it could have been worse, like one of my leads puncturing my cardiac sack and needing another surgery or a pulmonary embolism. I was releases back home the following day. Since then, I've been getting stronger each day. Its difficult healing so slowly. I want to be back to normal, like yesterday. I'm able to hold some weight in my left arm now. Up to five pounds. I can even move my arm a little more and take a shower! Showers require me to place Glad Press and Seal over my incision site, but at least I've been cleared. Yes, I can see where the device sits under my skin, and yes I can feel it with and without my hands. As much as that might be a bother to some people, its not so bad for me. Its not as obvious as one would think. One feeling I didn't expect to have is a feeling of what new things can I do now? Having this device placed has really given me a sense of assurance.
Halloween, one of my favorite holidays. Since I didn't get my costume finished before my surgery, I went as a martial artist. Its just my TKD uniform. Simple, I know. But it was easy on my arm and chest too. My husband however, has been building and sewing his costume for months. He even incorporated chunk into his costume. He made a really awesome X-wing pilot costume complete with an R2 unit, from Star Wars. Here is their picture.
That's all for now my friends. I wish you all a great day full of cool breezes and sunshine. Get outside today and if you can't make some grass stew, at least take some time to feel the grass with your bare feet. It can be very healing.
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